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School of


Joan D.

Thank You Schaumburg School of Chung Moo Quan

I am the mother of two young men ages 23 & soon to be 22, who are students of the John C. Kim school of Chung Moo Quan, Schaumburg.

Our family involvement began in 1983. At that times both of these boys were already involved in the juvenile court system.

The oldest, who was almost 14 & highly intelligent, was violent, angry, and disrespectful of everything. His inability to trust anything or anyone was frightening. He had been involved in Scouts with appealing results.

At the suggestion of the boys’ probation officer, we decided to try a Martial Arts school. He said “just pick one”. He mentioned a couple he passed frequently in visiting with other families and my son picked one. The School of Chung Moo Quan.

As a result my entire family, husband, uncles, aunts, cousins, brother, etc., have all been involved. The reasons are very clear to all of us.

The First three months showed a remarkable change. He learned self-discipline, self respect and to value his word. Not by coercion, mind control or promises of “Pie in the Sky”. But simply by setting a physical goal, working toward it and by self-discipline, support and instruction achieving it. These are the first ingredients of self respect. As his life became more challenging and demanding, he learned to make choices and decisions which helped him eliminate obstacles which prevented him from attaining his original goal. This gave his life a better balance and more productivity. This spilled over to our family, the community and his life in general.

He finished high school with honours, worked his way through the College of Dupage and Graduated with a 4.0 grade average. My second son is working towards similar goals for himself.

As a parent and a citizen, I am saddened and appalled by the recent attacks by the media . There are many of us who feel that these attacks and allegations, which began in 1989 and resurfaced a couple of weeks ago, trying to link Chung Moo Quan to an as yet unconfirmed crime, is in itself a crime.

We feel violated. I feel violated. As a parent who has seen her children taught self-discipline and fairness by myself and the school of Chung Moo Quan, I am at a loss to see this being practiced.

The Schaumburg School of Chung Moo Quan has been a viable member of the business community for many years. A tax paying member of the community, its doors have been open to anyone who has desired to improve their health, learn self defense. It has not operated in secret or in a clandestine manner. It has attempted to help people become more productivity individuals and better citizens.

I, am many like me believe in the schools and what they have done for our children and friends.

Thank you,

Joan D.